At Challenge Family, sustainability and family always come first! And for us, family is more than just those who we are related to by blood.

Family is also all our athletes, partners, spectators and anyone else involved with our organization. Therefore, we acknowledge our obligation for acting as a responsible organization. This ensures that all of our current family members and all of our future family members will have the opportunity to live on a healthy, clean planet.
We are making it our priority to minimize our impact on the environment while creating a legacy that each and every race contributes to. On this new journey, we are not only staying true to our company’s values of aspiration, innovation and authenticity. We are also reinforcing our core in which we are driven by the same thing that drives athletes: the passion to push limits, to perform at our best and to enjoy what we do in style!
Worldwide scientific research has proven that our planet is facing a tough time. And families need to come together in tough times! This means that we are counting on everyone in order to make a difference! This includes our athletes, ambassadors, race organizers, sponsors, spectators and anyone else involved with us in any way. Just remember: We are not doing this for us. We are doing this for our family and our planet as CHALLENGE FAMILY recognizes that confronting the environmental challenges must be our shared commitment.
The planet needs help. It’s the planet that offers us countless spectacular waters to swim in and unique tracks to run and bike along while constantly providing us with fresh air. We choose to recognize the need for change! Therefore we urge all of you to do the same and stand with us in this endeavor. We have chosen to confront our challenges in a balanced matter. This will ensure that all measures and initiatives taken are well implemented into our races.
During our battle against waste, we have found a partnership with Soles4Souls
Please join us at #racegreen for our planet and make your contribution in any way you can. For the coming five years, our focus will be on Waste Reduction. Each of our races is committed to make a joint effort to diminish waste from our races to the absolute minimum.
During our battle against waste, we have found a partnership with Soles4Souls. At Soles4Souls, they turn unwanted sport shoes and clothing into opportunity! Soles4Soules is keeping them from going to waste and putting them to good use. In this way they are providing relief, creating jobs and empowering people to break the cycle of poverty.
If you want to join this project but can’t attend our races, you can also bring/send your gently worn shoes or sport apparel here.