Five reasons to race Challenge St. Pölten:
- A unique swim in not one, but two crystal clear lakes.
- Bike on closed roads through the striking UNESCO World Heritage Center Wachau.
- Picturesque run along the river and through downtown St. Pölten with its stunning Baroque architecture.
- Participate in one of Europe’s oldest middle-distance races.
- Everything centrally located at the renowned Olympic Centrum St. Pölten with transition like no other in the stadium.
With 17 years of experience, this Triathlon race is one of the oldest middle-distance races in Europe.
With its two-lake swim, this race features a dreamlike backdrop. Thousand spectators line the route and the race routinely attracts some of the best Professional Triathletes in the world. The spectacular bike course features incredible scenic views as it winds through vineyards and the UNESCO World Heritage Center Wachau. Finally athletes discover the beautiful baroque downtown area of St. Pölten as they run along the Traisen river.
Not only is this doing this race an incredible experience, it is also a qualifying race for THE CHAMPIONSHIP.
About St. Pölten
Based in Lower Austria, St. Pölten has many attributes that make it a spectacular event. Lower Austria is a great holiday destination and easy to reach from Vienna Airport.
The weekend festival around Challenge St. Pölten is perfect for all those who enjoy sports.
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