The postponement of CHALLENGEFAMILY THECHAMPIONSHIP to August 16th, as communicated a few weeks ago, was based on hope for better times. Although the situation is improving, at this point of time it turns out to be impossible to host a big event with many participants and today the organisers had had to make the final call that this iconic race cannot take place for age groupers this year. Athletes, who are already qualified or registered, will get the opportunity to take part in next year’s edition of THECHAMPIONSHIP, without extra costs or qualifications. THECHAMPIONSHIP 2021 takes place in the weekend of May 22/23.
“The postponement to August 16th was already a very difficult decision for us and to defer it to next year is an even more difficult call”, says CHALLENGEFAMILY CEO Jort Vlam. “But with all the restrictions still being taken around the world to get a grip on the COVID-19 virus, especially all the travel restrictions, unfortunately it is really not possible to organise a race for thousands of enthusiastic Age Groupers who would come to Šamorín, Slovakia from a few dozen countries.”
CHALLENGEFAMILY and X-BIONIC SPHERE are still considering the possibility of organising a pro-only race. “As this won’t be a mass-participation event this might be an option to offer at least something to the professionals of our sport, who are now also struggling without races”, says Vlam. “But this is depending on technical and safety regulations in and around the venue. We will explore the options in the upcoming weeks and decide latest before July 1st.”
‘Hope to see you next year’
“We can’t wait to have you back in Šamorín next year and we hope to see the very most of you all racing at the iconic X-BIONIC® SPHERE then. To make this as easy as possible for all those athletes, we will send mails to all the registered and qualified athletes with all the possibilities we offer them.” says Race Director Melisa Kubalková. “For now we wish you all the best and lots of health. Stay strong, stay positive and see you soon!”