Strong pro field ready to battle at CHALLENGEKAISERWINKL-WALCHSEE

Strong pro field ready to battle at CHALLENGEKAISERWINKL-WALCHSEE

This weekend it’s time for the 9th edition of CHALLENGEKAISERWINKL-WALCHSEE. A lot of pros decided to start here amongst them Sebastian Kienle. ,,This race looks amazing and I’m really looking forward to race here. I’m in great shape, maybe the best shape I have ever had.”

Next to Kienle also Thomas Steger (last year’s winner), Frederic Funk, Lisa Roberts and Laura Siddall (last year winner) will start at CHALLENGEKAISERWINKL-WALCHSEE. ,,I guess I’m stronger than ever”, said Kienle. ,,But to be honest, all pro’s are becoming stronger and developing their skills every day. For me this is my final test for Kona.” Kienle thinks Frederic Funk is someone to watch for the future. ,,He is one of the younger guys I follow. He swims really fast, so I’m not sure if I will catch him on the bike.”

Funk was happy to hear those nice words from Kienle. ,,This really motivates me. I want to build up some experience. I’m in a good shape and I’m aiming for top three.”

Women’s race

Laura Siddall barely can’t wait to race. ,,I’m glad to be back. This bike course is amazing. To be honest, I could not stop smiling because this race is so great. The venue is wonderful. I’m in Europe to compete at the Challenge races and I want to earn points for the Challenge Family World Bonus here.”

One of the biggest contenders of Siddal will be Lisa Roberts (USA). ,,Last year I had an amazing season. This year it’s not that good, but maybe I can race better the upcoming races. I hope to finish my season the best I can.”

CHALLENGEFAMILY CEO Zibi Szlufcik calls CHALLENGEKAISERWINKL-WALCHSEEan iconic race: ,,An amazing race for athletes and their families and friends to end their season and enjoy amazing hospitality. This year edition will not only host a huge number of Age Groupers, but also a stellar field of pros led by last year winners Siddal and Steger. But also, of course, Kona Champion and living legend Kienle. Events like the Junior Challenge, Women’s Run and the Open Water Swim are brilliant warm ups for Sunday Middle Distance race.”