
Steve McKenna’s favourite indoor bike session

As athletes, we are always working on our physical and mental health and suddenly the world is in a different place. A lot of our fellow athletes are in quarantaine, family members are out of reach, work has to be done from a distance and worst of all, people are getting sick. Because it is important to stay healthy and fit and we all still love our sport, we want to share the favourite workouts and recipes of some pro athletes with you.

Steve McKenna is an extremely talented triathlete! Last year he won 2 CHALLENGEFAMILY races and became second in the World Bonus rankings.

As lots of people are training indoor at the moment, Steve is sharing his favourite indoor bike session with all of you. The session is a tough one and is created by Steve’s coach: Tim Reed.


  • 15-20 minutes warm up building from zone 1 heart rate to zone 2 heart rate
  • 4 x 8 minutes as:
    • 4 minutes grinding (50-60 cadence) just under 70.3 race power
    • 4 minutes just above 70.3 race power
  • 15 minutes – Cool down
  • Bang for buck – getting both strength work in, along with some upper aerobic work
  • Getting used to pushing just above race power on tired legs (straight after a leg burning strength effort)
This will be extremely useful in many race situations, particularly when someone is trying to break away and your legs are shagged.. Thinking back to these session, its comforting at the time knowing that you can still push good power on tired legs.


You can find Steve’s introduction video about this training here.