The qualification period for THECHAMPIONSHIP 2019 edition kicked off almost a year ago. Numerous amazing CHALLENGEFAMILY races have provided athletes with the opportunity for to qualify for this highlight of the CHALLENGEFAMILY race calendar, which will be held on 2nd June 2019. At this point of the season, there are only five races left to qualify.
The remaining races to qualify are CHALLENGESALOU (April 7th), CHALLENGEGRANCANARIA (April 27th), CHALLENGERICCIONE (May 5th), CHALLENGELISBOA (May 18th) and CHALLENGEHEILBRONN (May 19th). ,,We can really recommend all of these races for both pros and age groupers”, said CHALLENGEFAMILY CEO Zibi Szlufcik. ,,This is the amazing thing about qualifying for THECHAMPIONSHIP. To be able to take part in one of the most incredible races in the world, you have to qualify via races in some of the most stunning countries worldwide. You can discover the world by doing what you like most; racing and competing!”
Qualification for THECHAMPIONSHIP takes place throughout the year through a transparent system for both pros and age groupers. The qualifying system for pros can be found here and for age groupers here. ,,It’s great to see thousands of athletes giving their best all season long, to make it to Samorin. To be honest, I can hardly wait to see all these motivated heroes competing against each other on June 2nd!”
According to Szlufcik, THECHAMPIONSHIP is a spectacular culmination of one of the strongest pro races combined with fanatic age grouper participation. ,,So many of these athletes see it as an honor to be able to compete in Samorin and to be part of this race. In their own words, they describe their participation as a privilege. For us, as organizers, this is the most beautiful compliment you can get.”