
15 minute band workout (legs and glutes) – Belinda Granger

As athletes, we are always working on our physical and mental health and suddenly the world is in a different place. A lot of our fellow athletes are in quarantaine, family members are out of reach, work has to be done from a distance and worst of all, people are getting sick. Because it is important to stay healthy and fit and we all still love our sport, we want to share the favourite workouts and recipes of some pro athletes with you.

Belinda Granger is a true triathlon legend and CHALLENGEFAMILY‘s current pro athlete liaison. In her career Belinda won multiple full- and half distance races, of which CHALLENGEROTH was one.

Belinda tells us that strenght training is something we overlook a lot of the time. However, it is quite important include strenght training in your routine, as it will help you to avoid getting injured and it helps to make you an even stronger athlete.  Therefore Belinda has created a great strenght session for your legs and glutes. You can easily do this training session at home: you only need a band and it takes only 15-20 minutes of your time. So, no more excuses!

  • You can do all 7 exericses 2 times;
  • Round 1: Do each exercise for 45 seconds, then take 15 seconds rest before switching to the next exercise.
  • Round 2: Do each exercise for 50 seconds, then take 10 seconds rest before switching to the next exercise.


  1. Side Steps (Band around your ankles)
  2. Squat Opens (band just below your knee)
  3. Side Step with a jump (band just below your knee)
  4. Glute bridge with 10 pulses (band just below your knee)
  5. Frog Squats (band just below your knee)
  6. Glute Bridge with 10 in and out pulses (band just below your knee)
  7. Squat Pulses for 5 then 1 squat jump (band just below your knee)


You can watch the video, in which Belinda explains all exercises, here.