
CHALLENGEFAMILY introduces Triathlon Festival in Hong Kong

Triathlon Festival in Hong Kong

Hong Kong, one of the most spectacular and most energetic cities in the world has today been announced as the newest host city of a CHALLENGEFAMILY globaltriathlon series. There will be an Olympic Distance race, a Sprint Distance race and variety of side events for the entire family. Both distances at CHALLENGEHONGKONG will take place on 25th November 2018.

Next to these main events there will be a women’s run and a kids/junior challenge. ,,We are excited to welcome participants to our incredible race venue at Plover Cove Reservoir, which is located only one hour away from bustling central Hong Kong”, said Kent Wong, CHALLENGEHONGKONG’s Race Director. ,,Athletes will be treated to a stunning course with incredible scenery. CHALLENGEHONGKONG is the first and only international triathlon event in Hong Kong and it is a privilege to join the worldwide series of CHALLENGEFAMILY events.”

This feeling of a privilege is the same forCHALLENGEFAMILY CEO Zibi Szlufcik. ,,For us it’s important to host iconic races in great environments and drive the development of Triathlon sport globally. Hong Kong, one of the most amazing cities of the world, of course is one of those places. We believe this is a race you don’t want to miss and you will never forget as this is the first international Triathlon event in Hong Kong. Not only because of the amazing scenery, but also because of the quality we will offer here to every single triathlete. #AllAboutTheAthlete”

The swim leg for CHALLENGEHONGKONG is located at the Plover Cove Water Sports Centre in Tolo Harbour. The challenging four-lap bike course overlooks the historical reservoir after an initial 400m climb out of transition, while the pancake-flat run course at Plover Cove Reservoir Dam will provide participants with the unique experience of having a view of Tolo Harbour on the right and Plover Cove Reservoir on the left.

,,CHALLENGEHONGKONG is an incredible addition to the already amazing portfolio of CHALLENGEFAMILY races in the Asia-Pacific region”, said CHALLENGEASIA-PACIFIC CEO Jovi Lo. ,,Hong Kong is renowned as a world-city with its vibrant and densely populated urban centre being a major financial hub and business powerhouse. Hong Kong is also a major tourism drawcard with more than 58 million tourists visiting Hong Kong on 2017. With Challenge Hong Kong we hope to showcase this incredible destination to the World’s triathletes and create a true bucket-list event.”